Saturday, February 7, 2015

Slovakia: Anti-Gay Marriage Referendum Falls In Utter Failure

A group affiliated with the Catholic Church - Alliance For Family - attempted to "super-ban" marriage equality in Slovakia via referendum today.

The ballot posed three questions for voters:

• The first asked voters if marriage should be defined as a union between a man and a woman. This was mostly symbolic, the county had already outlawed same-sex marriage.

• The second asked if same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt.

• The third question asked if parents should have the right to withdraw children from sex ed classes.

All three proposals failed miserably.

For a referendum to pass in Slovakia, a minimum of 50% of registered votes have to participate in the vote.  Today's efforts saw only a scant 21.4% take part.

Several US-based anti-gay groups (National Organization for Marriage, Alliance Defending Freedom, World Congress of Families) openly supported the effort, thus making the utter failure that much more enjoyable.

Only one referendum has passed since Slovakia became a country - the vote to join the European Union.

(h/t JMG)

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