Sunday, February 8, 2015

Nebraska State Senator Adam Morfeld Schools Anti-Gay Witness During Committee Meeting

Check out how Nebraska state Senator Adam Morfeld schools an anti-gay witness this past week during a committee hearing on a bill that would allow gays to serve as foster parents.

Currently, only two states ban gay foster parents - Nebraska and Utah.

Democrat Sen. Jeremy Nordquist has introduced a bill to overturn the ban.

Anti-gay attorney Greg Neuhaus told a committee debating the bill that he felt the legislation is "promoting an agenda."

Sen. Adam Morfeld (D), who has also introduced pro-LGBT legislation, responded that Nordquist's measure would merely ban discrimination.

During testimony, Neuhaus said that in addition to sexual orientation, the bill would also ban discrimination based on marital status, saying he's "just as opposed to placing a child with an unmarried heterosexual couple."

Check out how the conversation went:

Morfeld: "And why's that, sir?"

Neuhaus: "Because I don't think it's in the best interest of the child."

Morfeld: "So, my mother was a single mother for 15 years. I grew up, I didn't get into trouble.

"I went to school. I went to school after working full-time for two years. I went to night school while working full-time for two years. I had a part-time job on top of that. And then I went to the University of Nebraska and worked my way through the University of Nebraska, and then after that I went to the University of Nebraska College of Law.

"During that time, I started a nonprofit that now employs 30 full- and part-time staff. My mother was a single mother. Did she do something wrong?"

Neuhaus: "I didn't say she did. No. I'm not going to just be lectured to. If you want to ask me a question, I'll answer it."

Morfeld: "Under your rationale, my mother who's a single mother likely isn't the most fit parent, and the point that I'm trying to make is that fit parents come in all shapes and sizes, all kinds of sexual orientations, and that's all I have to say. Thank you for your testimony."


Watch below. The exchange happens at the beginning of the video.

(via Towleroad)

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