Tuesday, February 3, 2015

John Boehner: "All Children Should Be Vaccinated"

In the wake of a measles outbreak that infected more than 100 children across 14 states, Speaker of the House John Boehner said this at a press conference at the Republican National Committee: "I don't know that we need another [federal] law, but I do believe all children ought to be vaccinated."

Two prominent GOP politicians, Sen. Rand Paul and Gov. Chris Christie have spoken out in the last few days against vaccinations. Paul said in a CNBC interview “The state doesn’t own your children, parents own the children, and it is an issue of freedom and public health.”

Christie told reporters that parents should have the right to decide whether or not to vaccinate against deadly diseases.

How do you feel, readers? Measles, for example, is highly contagious. Would you be cool with your child coming home infected with measles because a neighbor decided they didn't want to vaccinate their child? Is the issue about health risk or freedom to parent?

It's worth noting that Gov. Christie recently ordered a nurse (with no indication of infection) who had worked with Ebola patients to be quarantined at home. Is there a difference between government getting involved in that health issue but not insisting children be vaccinated for measles?


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