Sunday, December 7, 2014

Short Film: "Gay Men On Screen: A Place For Us"

In the span of five minutes, editor Manuel Betancourt explores the diversity and progress (or not) gays have made on the big and small screens.

From the editor:

How are gay men depicted in mainstream culture? From flaming sissies to AIDS victims, from sex-crazed lotharios to queer villains, the tropes that have thus far characterized gay men on screen have been few though they've increasingly become more varied, showcasing the diversity in our community.

Showcasing scenes from Angels in America, The Normal Heart, In & Out, Brokeback Mountain, as well as older films like The Maltese Falcon and Rope, this supercut compiles a representative sample of the ways gay men have been portrayed on screen.

For more info on the video, click here.

(h/t Boy Culture)

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