Monday, October 13, 2014
On the High Seas with the Muppets
One afternoon this past week onboard the Atlantis cruise, Michael and I were having drinks with friends, and we made a couple of new ones.
A really charming, slightly inebriated couple would lean over, break into our conversation and drop some hysterical, random lines and then step away. Over and over, the lines made me laugh, so I started recording them.
Here are just a few of the fab one-liners the guys - who reminded me of Statler and Waldorf of the Muppets Show - would drop on us in complete seriousness:
"My bf is really drunk. He can't really hold his liquor. I'm a much better drunk..."
(five minutes later)
"If you're going to have sex with me, you're going to need lidocaine."
(five minutes later)
"Your bf is ok, but you're hot."
(five minutes later)
"Ok, I looked again and you're bf is hot, too."
(five minutes later)
"I'm a drunk asmatic. I called 911, doctor said I had flesh eating bacteria. My bf said 'I'm on drugs I can't help.'"
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