Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tony Perkins angry over Obama executive order on LGBT workplace protections

Yesterday, anti-gay hate group leader for Family Research Council, sent out an email trying to frame the newly announced executive order by President Obama protecting LGBT folks who work for government contractors as "special treatment:"

"Considering the decisions of this administration, every month feels like 'gay pride month.' But this year, the President had something special in mind for his activist friends. The President will soon be issuing an executive order mandating that all federal contractors and subcontractors give special treatment to homosexuals, transgenders, and cross-dressers in the workplace. This action is wrong on the merits, because it accepts the premise that distinctions based on actual conduct -- such as homosexual behavior and cross-dressing -- should be treated the same way as distinctions based on immutable and innocuous characteristics like race."


"It may be Pride month, but President Obama's pandering to his friends on the far Left is nothing to be proud of."

There's more where that came from.

I stopped posting many of his anti-gay diatribes as they were coming so fast and furious with all the progress in the country on marriage equality.  It basically got boring to read his angry bile so often.

But I wanted to share this to remind folks that people like Tony Perkins are still out there - hating on folks every day.

Imagine your every waking moment being focused on diminishing a group of people because you don't approve of them.

That's who Tony Perkins is.

What a life...

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