Thursday, October 31, 2013

FAA to drop guidelines banning use of electronic devices during take-off and landing

After years of saying electronic devices made for unsafe travel, the FAA announced today that fliers WILL be allowed to use smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices during take-off and landings.

Huffington Post has the details:

"Passengers will eventually be able to read e-books, play games, and watch videos on their devices during all phases of flight, with very limited exceptions," the agency wrote in a release.

Previously, passengers needed to turn off all electronics before a plane could take off, and only power them back up again above 10,000 feet. When the plane dipped back below 10,000 feet as it descended to land, devices needed to be shut off again.

Knowing that modern fliers bristled at the ban, the FAA will now allow those flying on qualified airlines to keep devices on during all stages of flight. Electronics will need to be placed in the seat back pocket during takeoff and landing.

However, a few activities will still not be allowed under the new rules. Passengers are still prohibited to make cell phone calls in the air. Connecting to the Internet, if a plane offers that service, will still be banned under 10,000 feet.

Airlines will need to pass testing on aircraft to make sure there will be no problem before allowing the use of the devices.