Monday, April 15, 2013

Women of the World Poetry Slam: "To Michele Bachmann"

Sierra DeMulder, finalist in the 2013 Women of the World Poetry Slam, during the one minute round in WOWPS prelims in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

DeMulder takes Michele Bachmann and husband to task for their clinic which offers "reparative therapy" to gay and lesbians.

Strictly business, indeed.

Transcript (via Towleroad):

"Your husband owns a clinic that offers to cure homosexuality for up to $10,000 a year. So when you, Representative Bachmann, refused to acknowledge the bullying of gay students in your district, this must have been strictly business.

"When another gay teenager commits suicide in Minnesota, you consider this free advertising. You buy a new necklace for every hanging, a bottle of Merlot for each overdose, your husband sends 'thank you' cards to their funeral, hand-signed, all referrals welcomed.

"How could we expect you to take a stand against bullying when it helps pay for your mortgage, when it puts food in your children's belly? One day, your youngest daughter will ask you why her school supplies feel like they belong to someone else, her pencils write names that are not hers, Samantha, Nick, Aaron, Kevin. Tell her the truth Michele, that blood money is not a metaphor, that your wallet is heavy with those who have untied themselves. Tell your daughter that God is the bully with the biggest fist and you can only hope that he is on your side!"

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