Friday, April 12, 2013

Republican National Committee: Nope, we still don't like gays

The RNC has taken a unanimous vote to approve 12 resolutions, including one reaffirming the party's opposition to same-sex marriage, according to a tweet from Yahoo! political reporter Chris Moody.

No big surprise that this repesents the party platform, but several major hate groups like the FRC and the AFA had threatened to leave the party if they didn't.

Not all conservatives are happy about the news though.

Via press release from Young Conservatives For The Freedom To Marry.

The passage of this resolution shows a party stuck in the past, not aligned with the majority of Americans and not aligned with the next generation of the conservative movement. We will continue to push our leaders to move toward a stance on marriage that includes all loving and committed couples, which is completely in line with the conservative tenets of freedom, personal responsibility, and family.

(h/t: Towleroad)

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