Saturday, March 23, 2013

Michael Moore on the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre

1 comment:

  1. Michael,

    I agree with you Michael and yet I want to respect the wishes of the parents of the children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary. I believe that you first need to address the parents needs.

    If just one set of parents agree with your purpose and you ask for permission of crime scene photos of that one child and send it to all of the representatives in Washington it would make all the difference. Corporate media will not sensationalize these photos. Why? Corporate media sanitizes such graphic depictions. And the NRA will be sure to pay them to do it. These photos would be the nightmare of the NRA.

    I want to support the families wishes. They need this support. Do not intrude on their open wounds. To "force" this on them would be to the detriment of your purpose and character. Just one set of parents is all it would take. In the case of Sandy Hook...The populous is with you Michael. Don't turn the populous against you. It would only take one set of parents approval to turn the tide rather than attempting to reveal all of the crime scene without parent approval.

    The following is the reasoning for a parent to consider allowing the viewing of the crime scene of their child's murder photos by the NRA and our Washington Representatives:

    It is a minority representative vote backed by the NRA that block gun control. This is where the trim-tab is.

    If Washington D.C representatives saw the graphic evidence of the slaughter of just one child, the limp lifeless body with blood, with holes, torn apart by a weapon that was wielded by one person in 5 minutes, most could not sleep at night knowing they did nothing to make it harder for such weapons to be in the hands of insane people.

    Outrage was fueled to stop the Vietnam war when we saw the bodies coming home in body bags and the real time slaughter in our homes on TV each night, the devastation of the My lie massacre in 1968 is just one example. The Mother of Emmett Till bravely displayed the open casket of her slaughtered son and it changed the course of history.

    To stop the NRA from bullying and buying our representatives, send both our representatives and NRA Wayne LaPierre a PARENT APPROVED personal photo of what an automatic weapon has done to a precious child and one photo of the child before that weapon took that life.

    My hope is that none of them can stomach what they feel in their heart and continue to support no controls on such weapons of mass destruction.

    Ellen Schafhauser
    Weldon, CA


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