Monday, January 7, 2013

World News Daily says Neil Patrick Harris Super Bowl ad pushes a "gay agenda"

Calling Neil Patrick Harris an "outspoken homosexual actor," World News Daily says that the CBS sitcom star was used in spots advertising next month's Super Bowl designed to "mock Christianity."

In the ad, Harris has blackeye paint that lists the date of the football game. WND posits that the spot is mocking Christian football player Tim Tebow, who became notorious after placing Bible verses in his blackeye paint.

According to the WND "report," "One football fan who watched the CBS promo Sunday made the connection between Harris and Tebow, saying, 'They're pushing a gay agenda by using him, and they're mocking Christians at the same time.'"

It's worth pointing out that many professional athletes have used eyeblack to share a public message. Plus - not many people would equate a Super Bowl ad with promoting a "gay agenda."

Calling itself "America's Independent News Network," WND publishes a magazine called Whistleblower that declares on its cover that Barack Obama is "The First Muslim President." Read more here.

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