Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Honey Boo Boo's "Uncle Poodle" reveals HIV-positive status

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo cast member Lee Thompson, who is known on the show as Uncle Poodle and who gained praise last year for being out on the program, has revealed that he had his former boyfriend charged with HIV transmission after learning that he himself was HIV-positive last year.
Dino: Lee, when did you find out about your HIV status?

Lee: I was adamant about getting my HIV status checked on a regular basis. On March 16, 2012, I tested negative. Then, in May of 2012 my test results came back positive. I knew it had been my boyfriend who infected me. I later learned he had been HIV positive and was not taking medication and had not bothered to tell me about it. I was advised that I should press charges and, hesitantly, I did. It was the right thing to do.

Dino: What happened to your ex?

Lee: He is serving a 5-year sentence. I would have been cool with his HIV status if he had been honest. I don’t have an issue with the disease. I would have known how to protect myself.

Dino: What is your message to folks having unsafe sex?

Lee: They are damn fools! They are playing Russian roulette; they are playing with their lives and that of their sexual partners.


  1. It takes 2 to tango. He shouldn't have been a willing participant in reckless behavior.

  2. I agree IF he was infected while having unprotected sex.

    The article doesn't address if there was a condom break or if the couple was having unprotected sex.


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