Friday, October 19, 2012

Minnesota Vikings Chris Kluwe to debate marriage equality with an empty chair

Vikings punter and marriage equality advocate plans to debate an empty chair on the subject of marriage equality this evening if nobody materializes to sit in it, Gannett reports:
Billed as "Chris Kluwe vs. The Chair," Kluwe will take the stage at downtown Minneapolis' The Brave New Workshop Comedy Theatre to share his views against Minnesota's Same Sex Marriage Amendment, Amendment 1, which if passed, would limit legal marriage in that state between a man and a woman.

In addition to Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann and numerous other politicians who support the amendment, organizers also invited Kluwe's former teammate Matt Birk to discuss the amendment. Since none of those people agreed to come to the event, Kluwe decided to appear with the chair and a local radio host serving as moderator.
The debate is being streamed live at The Uptake starting at 5 pm (CT, we presume, since it's in Minneapolis).


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