Friday, June 15, 2012

Anti-gay website reporter interrupts President Obama during press conference

Today, during President Obama's speech on immigration, a reporter rudely interrupted the president.

The "reporter" was Neil Munro from the anti-gay Daily Caller, the teabagger site founded by Tucker Carlson.

Obama properly smacked him down, but let's hope Press Secretary Jay Carney is booting Munro from the White House press corps right now.

For those who may not know, it is customary for the President of the United States to finish comments before taking questions.

I think this was a planned "moment" to get attention for Tucker Carlson's little website. Whatever, it is rude to interrupt the President while speaking. Especially when you are the press. The press is meant to report the news, not make it.

UPDATE: The "reporter" says he had no intention of interrupting the President - he thought he was done.  "I timed the question believing the president was closing his remarks, because naturally I have no intention of interrupting the President of the United States."  He was about 8 minutes early...

However, Brianna Keilar of CNN says "I was two people over from Neil Munro. No one thought the president was wrapping up. I give that statement a great big Cow Pie Award."


  1. I am so sick and tired of these idiots who show no respect for our nation's leader. Mr Obama is the President of the United States and deserves way more respect than he receives. I wouldn't dream of interrupting Mr. Bush during a speech and I really did not like the man. People like that reporter really need a dose of reality and the only way to do that is at the voting box and bringing it straight to them. People need to show that they do not appreciate the condescending attitudes, bad policies and my favorite made-up word "wind bagging" and get down to business. Claiming to love America but bleeding it dry by eliminating jobs from teachers, fire fighters and police is not the answer.

    I don't want more taxes but at this stage of the game, we may have no choice. Hey, how about Discontinuing the war; making banking transparent; saving the middle class. I don't care, just do something.

    I know you've heard it all before, but this country needs to wake up and smell what the Republicans are smoking. I believe the president needs to (respectfully) grow a pair, stop the blame game and get the ball rolling. I don't want another four years of nothing. I want to see progress. The President needs to show me and the public why he should have another four years in the White House. If he thinks we're going to sit through another four years of him trying to to compromise at every turn then he's going to have some serious issues. heck, if he couldn't get any of his policies through in all these years then why should we sit through another four years more? Something to think about but if he fights and fights hard then I say give him a shot.

    I respect the President but let's face it, the Republicans do not feel the same. President Obama needs another strategy. Go directly at them, make them admit that the policies they promote will not work and explain it so they can't slither their way out of it like they always do. Sell your dream like your life depended on it because right now, it really does. You're the President for goodness sake, put them on the defense. It's time to get serious and fire back at them with everything you have in your arsenal. Concentrate on your voters and re-energize them on the dream you envisioned a few short years ago and prove to them that their vote really makes a difference.

    I want the President to prove he is the great leader the Nobel Peace Prize nominators believed he could be for the nation and the world. I believe it was the right choice and now he has to believe it and move forward.

    If the President loses the race then fine. He might as well do it while fighting hard and by showing the true nature of the Republicans agenda and the horrible outcome they envision for our nation.

    Now I know the President will never read this but if he does happen to come across my rant then Mr. President, I will be there for you but you need prove you are worthy of my vote during and after the election.

    Politics aside, you are a nice person but nice people get eaten alive in Washington. Surround yourself with people who really want change, not just talk about it and are tough enough to go get it. The current state of the democratic party is pretty sad. They need a fire lit under their seats because they are not backing the President like the Republican Party backs their candidates regardless of how delusional they are. They should really be ashamed of themselves but there is still time for them to kick it up a notch and earn their stripes.

    Finally Mr President, be the leader I believe you can be so when you leave office, you too will have libraries, schools or even battle ships named after you. Good luck sir.

    Dez out!!!

  2. For shame rude reporter.


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