Monday, October 24, 2011

"My Uncle's Wedding"

Great reviews for this children's book that helps explain tolerance, love and equality to young ones. I think this is great for parents to sit and read with their children to address these important life issues with respect and sensitivity.

Check it out here.

About the book:
There’s so much to do now that Uncle Mike and Steve are getting married. Follow Andy on this enjoyable journey as he talks about his uncle's wedding, how it affects him, and the things he gets to do in preparation for the ceremony. You’ll laugh and smile as you read this adorable story about marriage and family.

“It’s never too early to teach our nation’s children about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender equality. And ‘My Uncle’s Wedding’ does just that, showing children that marriage is about love and family. Eric Ross perfectly demonstrates that LGBT families share the same values as any other family, and his book will undoubtedly educate and inform generations to come about the freedom to marry. Bravo!”
Kate Kendell, Esq. - Executive Director
National Center for Lesbian Rights

"My Uncle's Wedding is the sweet story of Uncle Mike and Uncle Steve's wedding as experienced through the eyes of their nephew, Andy. This children's book is the perfect gift for any child who loves a good story and especially children with gay people in their family. The author approaches the subject of same-sex marriage with a child's sensitivity and sensibility, and the beautiful illustrations are sure to be enjoyed by kids and parents alike."
Molly McKay - National Media Director
Marriage Equality USA

"It is a parent’s responsibility to teach their children tolerance of all people, and I have yet to find a better tool to begin that lesson than My Uncle’s Wedding."
Alan Chin - Writer

"Everyone agrees that children should learn in an “age-appropriate” manner, but it’s also important that they learn tolerance and respect for everyone. With My Uncle’s Wedding, parents and teachers alike will have a great book to teach young children that a gay marriage is just like any marriage – it’s about two people who love each other."
Paul Hogarth - Writer

Here's the official website for the book.

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