Sunday, April 10, 2011

And the polls numbers keep dropping for Palin

Former half-term governor Sarah Palin's approval numbers continue on a sharp downward spiral as a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey shows 53 percent of all Americans say they hold a "negative" or "very negative" view of the reality TV performer, while only 25 percent give Palin high marks.

A year ago in the same poll, her negative numbers stood at 45%, while this past December it had climbed to 50% before reaching the current high of 53%.

Among independents, only 2 in 10 have a favorable impression of Ms. Palin.

In a recent Gallup poll, only 12% of likely Republican primary voters showed support for her - a downward trend from an earlier 16%.

These numbers are similar to a recent CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll which showed her support among likely Republican primary voters has slipped from 19 to 12%.

Although she is getting rich based on her "weeks long" national run for VP, it doesn't look good for her Presidential aspirations.

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