Friday, April 11, 2014

Las Vegas: Michael does the Stratosphere SkyJump

At the top moments before jumping.  Nice outfit, honey

Last night, as a part of celebrating the birthday of John Easterling - husband to Olivia Newton-John - we headed over to the Stratosphere SkyJump so John, Michael and our friend Rod could experience jumping from the 108 floor level of the hotel. Michael is a bona-fide thrill-seeker and loves this stuff.

(For the record, I stayed on the ground and watched in safety with Olivia. Someone has to survive to take care of the dogs...)

Everyone got an adrenaline rush, either watching or taking part in the jump. And we quickly adjourned to the top of the hotel for the best view in Las Vegas and celebratory cocktails.

You can catch Michael's "SkyJump journey" below.

If interested, check out the website for SkyJump here.

Michael in mid-fall

Triumphant thrill-seeker safely on the ground

Michael, John Easterling, Olivia Newton-John and our friend Rod