Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ian Parks ("Where The Bears Are") has a ravey Thanksgiving

My friend Ian Parks, the hunky "Hot Toddy" of the popular web series "Where the Bear Are" is a pretty funny follow on Facebook. If you don't follow him, hit this link and do so. He comes up with some pretty funny stuff to post.

This was from him FB page today: "Ian's Ravey Thanksgiving 2013"

Ian sees pretty lights...

…he reaches for the blue glowing orb...

…suddenly, the space/time continuum collapses into a singularity and merges with his hand! Holy fuck!

Ian contemplates his new god-like powers.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan: Catholic Church was "out-marketed" by gay marriage advocates

In an interview on Meet The Press that will air tomorrow, Cardinal Timothy Dolan says that that Catholic Church as been "out-marketed" by activists and politicians who have unfairly branded the church as anti-gay:

"We've been caricatured as being anti-gay," Dolan said in an interview airing Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press. "And as much as we'd say, 'Wait a minute, we're pro marriage, we're pro traditional marriage, we're not anti anybody,' I don't know. "When you have forces like Hollywood, when you have forces like politicians, when you have forces like some opinion-molders that are behind it, it's a tough battle," he said. The legal battle over same-sex marriage has moved to states, following the U.S. Supreme Court's decision striking down a tenet of the federal Defense of Marriage Act. "I think I'd be a Pollyanna to say that there doesn't seem to be kind of a stampede to do this," Dolan told David Gregory of Meet the Press. "I regret that. I wish that were not the case for the states."

Via press release, Illinois' Civil Rights Agenda has responded to Dolan:

The Catholic bishops have spent millions of dollars fighting hate crimes legislation and laws banning housing and employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation,. Most egregious, the bishops have threatened to not support the immigration reform bill if it includes same-sex couples. The bishops consistently reduce gay people to their genitals and what they do or do not do with them and a number of bishops have supported and promoted dangers programs that seek to change gay people's sexual orientation. The bishops have opposed any legislation or policy changes that would affirm gay people's right to be treated equitably under the law. That is why the Church is perceived as anti-gay. It is not a caricature it is a sad reality,

(via JMG)

Spain: New approach to stopping HIV replication found using computer synthesis

io9 is reporting that scientists at several Spanish universities and research centers, using computers to create a synthetic molecule, may have found a new approach to stopping the virus' ability to replicate:

European researchers have used a computer to design small synthetic molecules capable of attacking the deadly AIDS virus where it hurts the most: its ability to produce the genetic material required for replication. It's the first time in history this has ever been done.


After designing the compound on the computer, the scientists synthesized the molecules in the lab. Then came the moment of truth: Testing the mixture on a real infected cell. And it worked, confirming the validity of the models generated by the computer.

The next step will be to improve the pharmacological properties of the new Rev inhibitors and work towards actual clinical applications. Encouragingly, the terphenyl structures identified in this research could open new ways to approach other therapeutic targets.

Facebook seems to have a double standard when it comes to banning/blocking certain pics

I've written several times about former Marine veteran turned fitness model Alex Minsky on The Randy Report.  You can find a couple of those posts here and here.

My friend David Toussaint over at GuySpy has written about an interesting double standard that's taking place on Facebook when it comes to certain pics being banned while others are allowed no problem.

From GuySpy:

Back in February of this year, GuySpy ran a story of an image of war veteran and amputee Alex Minsky that was blocked from Facebook. The photographer, Michael Stokes, was banned from Facebook for three days. The photo eventually resurfaced, with no apologies, after it had been removed from approximately 4,000 people’s pages who posted it in a sign of solidarity. Read the story here.

This week Stokes was banned for thirty days for posting the below photo of Alex Minsky.

However, a quick search of the social network’s pages found these two female images. You can find plenty more yourself on this Facebook page. I think the human body is beautiful, but this seems much more "sexual" in nature than the above Minsky pics. Maybe it's me...

And how about this one, which Facebook also seems to have no problem with.

What do you think? Double standard going on here?

Friday, November 29, 2013

Small Business Saturday - Nov. 30th

We all have our favorite neighborhood spots – the corner hangout with the best brunch, the cafe with the richest roast in town, and the indie bookstore with the owner who remembers our name. Whether we live in the neighborhood or are visiting from afar, we know these small businesses are what makes neighborhoods unique and fun to visit.

So let’s shower our local neighborhood business owners with love on Small Business Saturday by showing the world how valued they truly are!

To participate:

On Saturday Nov. 30th, visit your favorite local cafés, restaurants, shops—if it’s local and independently owned, it counts!

Snap a photo—a selfie in front of their sign, you clinking glasses with the owner, their famous cocktail, or any creative way to capture the essence of what makes them special and a unique part of the local community.

Post to Instagram and/or Twitter with the hashtag #localbizlove

Hillary Clinton has huge numbers as early front runner for 2016 Dem Presidential nominee

Good news for my girl Hillary.  Huge numbers on her side in a recent CNN poll for Democratic nominee for President in 2016.

Interestingly, in the same poll, Gov. Chris Christie tops the GOP side, but not nearly by the same margin as Hillary on the Dem side.  Christie gets 24% over Sen. Rand Paul's 13%.  

Big enthusiasm gap compared to Hillary's margin over Vice-President Biden's 52 point deficit.

Does that mean Dems are more united already around a candidate?

AND - will Hillary run?

Lady Gaga performs "VENUS" with the Muppets on Thanksgiving special

Lady Gaga performs "Venus" with the Muppets on the "Lady Gaga & The Muppets Holiday Spectacular."

The show also featured other very special guests including Sir Elton John who dueted with Gaga on some "Benny and the Jets" before breaking into some "ARTPOP"

Out college football player Alan Gendreau covers Michael Buble's "Home"

You may remember I reported on former college football player Alan Gendreau, who came out this past summer. Well, it seems he does more than play football.

Alan has recorded a sweet cover of Michael Buble's hit song "Home."

The former Middle Tennessee State College kicker is still hoping to try out for the NFL draft, but in the  meantime he should keep with the music. 

Give his cover a listen:

(via Instinct)

Right wing websites angry President Obama includes LGBT community in Thanksgiving proclamation

Yesterday, President Obama's Thanksgiving proclamation included a veiled inclusion of the LGBT community as "first and foremost Americans." Here's a quote from the statement:

"Thanksgiving offers each of us the chance to count our many blessings -- the freedoms we enjoy, the time we spend with loved ones, the brave men and women who defend our Nation at home and abroad.

"This tradition reminds us that no matter what our background or beliefs, no matter who we are or who we love, at our core we are first and foremost Americans.


"NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 28, 2013, as a National Day of Thanksgiving."

Nice, friendly and warm, right?

You should read the ranting going on over on conservative websites and the names the President is being called because he included EVERYONE in his proclamation.

It really is incredible, and no wonder a Republican hasn't won the popular vote in the past six Presidential elections.

Go back and read the quote above then head over and check out some of the comments on the right wing "news" site CNSnews.

The hate is pretty amazing.

(h/t JMG)

Post-Thanksgiving Leftover Breakfast

Wylie Dufresne, the owner of WD-50, doesn't contribute to Thanksgiving dinner; he makes breakfast the next day.

He shows Mark Bittman how he makes his fried eggs and turkey hash. Looks easy and delish. And we can all use new ideas for the leftovers.

Get the recipe here.

(h/t Towleroad)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Twitchy erupts over Broadway's "Kinky Boots" inclusion in Thankgsgiving Day Parade

Over on Twitchy, a very right-wing/anti-gay website, the folks are losing their minds that the fab "Kinky Boots" from Broadway was included in this years' Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade.

I'm thinking a lot of these folks could benefit from seeing the show and learning the positive life lessons of the show.

Check out just some of the responses below:

While we're talking about the 6 time Tony Award winning show, let's take a look at their performance on NBC today:

(via BroadwayWorld)

Music: Backstreet Boys "Show 'Em (What You're Made Of)"

The new music video "Show 'Em (What You're Made Of)" from the Backstreet Boy's latest CD, A World Like This.

Thanks for the shirtless shots, guys :)

Pizza Hut manager fired for refusing to open on Thanksgiving

An Indiana Pizza Hut manager has been fired for refusing to open the restaurant on Thanksgiving because he didn't think it was fair to his employees.

Tony Rohr says he thinks it is morally wrong to make people work on the holiday.

Rohr, who worked at the Jackson Boulevard Pizza Hut in Elkhart for 10 years, was fired after taking a stand at a meeting with superiors who told him opening on Thanksgiving was mandatory.
'Thanksgiving and Christmas are the only two days that they're closed in the whole year and they're the only two days that those people are guaranteed to have off and spend it with their families.'

But his goodwill cost him his job as he was told to sign a letter of resignation.

Rohr said he did not want to quit, but instead wrote a letter explaining his position to his boss

'I am not quitting. I do not resign however I accept that the refusal to comply with this greedy, immoral request means the end of my tenure with this company.

'I hope you realize that it's the people at the bottom of the totem pole that make your life possible.'

Rohr, who is now unemployed and looking for a new job, says it was worth it.

'They're still going to be open. I'm sure they're still going to sell pizza but I just didn't think it was right.'

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What do you call...?

A visual remix of the famous 2003 Harvard Dialect Survey, which maps out the various dialects of American speech.

The map lights up as the responses are played. Really very interesting. Just a sample of what's covered:

A group of people: "Hey y'all" "Hey you guys" "Hey youse"

Generic term for carbonated beverage: "soda" "pop" "coke"

Rubber soled shoe: "sneaker" "tennis shoes" "gym shoes"

General term for big road: "freeway" "expressway" "highway"

Read the full article on the film here

(via JMG)

Salvation Army removes anti-gay groups from it's website in effort to be more LGBT friendly

The Salvation Army had recently launched a new campaign to combat it's long reputation for being anti-gay. Wayne Besen, at Truth Wins Out, called for a boycott on charity until the organization removes all anti-LGBT materials from its website, starting with two “ex-gay” ministries that are listed as sexual addiction resources.

In a press release, Besen wrote “While we appreciate The Salvation Army’s recent outreach to the LGBT community, we won’t settle for cheap spin, we insist on substance.  If The Salvation Army is truly committed to non-discrimination, it will immediately eliminate these “ex-gay” groups as resources, and scrub its entire website of all anti-gay materials.”

Well, hours later it appears The Salvation Army has done exactly that and removed the two organizations, Harvest USA and Pure Life Ministries, from the Salvation Army website.

Their letter to Truth Wins Out reads in part:

We sincerely appreciate you bringing this matter to our attention. As you know, The Salvation Army strives to live out our mission of meeting human need without discrimination. Our doors are always open to anyone who seeks our help, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation. We simply do not discriminate against the people we serve or the people we hire.

We have removed the page of referrals for sexual addiction centers. Truthfully this was an old page that had been archived but was reposted when we launched our new website last month. We apologize for our oversight and any confusion this may have caused. The Salvation Army does not consider homosexual orientation a sin. Please know that we serve anyone who comes to our doors without discrimination.

Bravo Wayne Besen and Truth Wins Out!

Some shoppers boycotting "Black Thursday" shopping

More stores than ever are announcing that they will be open for business on Thanksgiving Day this year.

The move has turned off some shoppers who think being open for business on the traditional family holiday is in bad taste and takes workers from their families.

Walmart, Target, Kmart, Macys, Gap and Old Navy are just a few of the stores that will be open to snag those early holiday season dollars.

On the flip side, Costco, Apple, Radio Shack, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls, among others, have stated they will be closed on turkey day so their associates have the day to celebrate with their families.

What do you think?  Should shoppers be mad that stores are open on the holiday itself?  Or does this give some employees the chance to make some extra salary?  Should anyone care?

Leave your comments below.  I'm curious how folks really feel about this.

Graphic via ThinkProgress - Click image to enlarge

Tony Award-winners Cyndi Lauper and Billy Porter featured in annual GAP campaign

Tony Award-winners for Broadway's Kinky Boots Cyndi Lauper and Billy Porter featured in annual GAP ad campaign

Tony Award-winner for Broadway's Kinky Boots and Out100 honoree, Billy Porter, is featured with fellow Tony Award-winner Cyndi Lauper in Gap's annual "Make Love" campaign, which features of a diverse cast of characters and familiar faces spreading love and acceptance.

“I think the joy and the pleasure of Kinky Boots is that it transcends sexuality, it transcends stereotypes, and it transcends fear, which I think motivates a lot of the bigotry and homophobia that exists in the world. It’s nice to reach people at a human level,” Porter said in an interview with Out

The annual campaign has featured several "out" celebrities over the years.


Joan Rivers defends Alec Baldwin in a way only she can get away with

TMZ caught up to Joan Rivers outside Cantors Deli,  and when asked how she felt about Alec Baldwin's recent rage-rant, Miss Joan had this to say:

Joan: What do I think about Alec [Baldwin]? Everybody just relax. Everybody’s either a w*p, a n###a, a k!ke, a ch%nk, a f@iry, a m$ck — everybody’s something so why don’t we all just. Calm. Down.

TMZ: And we should be thankful for you.

Joan : Be thankful that we’re all living in America and stop everybody getting so damn uptight! And this goes for the Indians — both dot and feather!

She then politely wishes Mr. TMZ Happy Chanukah and gets in her limo.

Annnnnnd, scene.

Watch the video below from TMZ:

Trainer Bob Harper of The Biggest Loser comes out to inspire contestant

On Tuesday’s episode of The Biggest Loser, trainer Bob Harper came out publicly as gay to encourage contestant Bobby Saleem, who comes from a very strict Catholic family, to speak openly about his own sexual orientation to his father.

The 48-year-old personal trainer, who’s never denied his sexual orientation but hadn’t discussed it on the program, was moved by Saleem’s struggle to come out to his dad.

“I haven’t talked about my sexuality on this show ever, and now meeting Bobby, I really do believe this is the right time,” Harper said on camera. “I want to show Bobby that he doesn’t have to live in shame.”

Harper then decided to share his own story with Saleem and viewers.

“I’m gay. I knew I very long time ago that I was gay,” Harper revealed. “When I came out — when I was 17 years old — it was one of those things where I realized that there was going to be so many obstacles, but being gay doesn’t mean being weak. And being gay doesn’t mean that you are less than anybody else. It’s just who you are.”

Saleem said he would come out to his father.

Harper received an outpouring of support from viewers and tweeted a message to fans:


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Couple says they DID tip lesbian waitress and have the receipt to prove it

A couple of weeks ago I reported on a story about waitress Dayna Morales who said not only was she stiffed by restaurant guests, but a note was left on the receipt apparently saying "I'm sorry but I cannot tip because I don't agree with your lifestyle & how you live your life."

Now a family has come forward claiming that Morales doctored the receipt and that they have the real copy, with an $18 tip that they gave to her, NBC 4 reports:

The husband and wife, who asked to remain anonymous, showed NBC 4 New York a receipt that appeared to be printed at the same minute, on the same date, for the same $93.55 total, except with an $18 tip.

They also provided a document they said was a Visa bill, which appears to indicate their card was charged for the meal plus the tip, for a total of $111.55.

The couple told NBC 4 New York that they believed their receipt was used for a hoax. The wife says she is left-handed and could not have made the slash in the tip line, which she said looks to be drawn from the right.

"We've never not left a tip when someone gave good service, and we would never leave a note like that," the wife said.

The husband said he and his wife have both worked in restaurants and believe in the value of tipping, and noted that he didn't vote for Gov. Chris Christie because the governor doesn't support gay marriage.

"Never would a message like that come from us," he said.

Illinois: Marriage equality comes early to terminally ill lesbian

An Illinois judge has ruled that a terminally ill lesbian may marry her partner before the same-sex marriage law goes into effect next summer.

A lawsuit was filed Friday by Lambda Legal and the ACLU of Illinois seeking immediate action for Vernita Gray and Patricia Ewert.

Gray has bone and brain cancer and is not expected to live until Illinois' gay marriage law goes into effect June 1. Camilla Taylor of the gay rights group Lambda Legal says Gray wishes to marry the woman she loves before she dies.

County Clerk David Orr says his office will expedite a marriage license to Gray and Taylor per Judge Thomas Durkin's order,  adding it's a service already granted to heterosexual couples in similar situations.


Alec Baldwin fired by MSNBC

Alec Baldwin has been fired from his MSNBC late night talk show for his recent dustup with a photographer using anti-gay slurs

Alec Baldwin's MSNBC late night talk show, formerly suspended for two weeks due to Alec Baldwin's recent tangles with photographers, has now been permanently cancelled.

The problems began a few weeks ago when Baldwin allegedly went after a photographer on the street calling the photog a "c*cksucking fag."  That led to a "two week suspension" of his new show on the MSNBC network.   Now, the show is toast.

From Page Six:

The rage-aholic’s weekly show, “Up Late With Alec Baldwin,” has been canceled because of the actor’s foul-mouthed rant at a photographer he called a nasty name.

“The decision has been made. He’s gone,” an insider at the cable channel told me. “The [parent company] Comcast guys have decided. Word is spreading through the building.”

Baldwin’s dismissal was decided on partly because of his diva-like behavior toward co-workers, a source said.

Besides demanding a humidifier because he claimed the air at 30 Rock was too dry, Baldwin alienated staffers when he demanded a separate makeup room being used by a woman with cancer who is sensitive to hairspray.

A spokesman for Baldwin confirmed, “The show is not coming back. He had questions on whether he wanted to continue.”

Hawaii: Marriage equality opponents find a lump of coal in their stockings

Well, it looks like Santa Claus is making his list and checking it twice when it comes to opponents of marriage equality in Hawaii.

All 19 House lawmakers who opposed SB1, the marriage equality bill, received lumps of coal in the mail from an anonymous sender, Hawaii News Now reports, along with a note:

"You left a piece of your heart at the State Building when you voted on SB-1..... Your lifestyle choice of judging others and ignorance is very unfortunate. Good luck in the next election."

The Hilo Medical Center's return address was on the boxes but denies any involvement with the stunt.

Parks and Recreation star Retta says "don't judge my car music"

When you hear the bass line bumpin' in Retta's car, it just might be Puccini.

(via Conan O'Brien)

Andy Bell: HIV testing "saved my life"

Erasure singer Andy Bell is speaking out in support of Britain's National HIV Testing Week

Bell learned he was HIV positive in 1998.

"When I was tested for the second time and found out I was HIV positive, I thought my world was going to collapse and cave in but thankfully this test actually saved my life.

"The sooner you find out whether you are positive (or negative), the sooner you can start your combination therapy and get the virus under control and live your life normally."

Erasure's latest release is their very first Christmas CD "Snowglobe" available now.

New fragrance: "Eau My" by George Takei

Just in time for the holidays, George Takei releases his own signature fragrance - Eau My - a pun based on his signature catch phrase "Oh My!"

Takei is famous not only for his longtime role in the original Star Trek television series but has conquered social media as one of the most entertaining figures on Facebook and Twitter.

From CNET:

Takei teased fans, asking them to guess the name of the new fragrance. His Facebook followers offered up some real gems, including "Old Space," "Takei Me Now," and "Red Shirt."

The cologne is described as having the following laundry list of smells: mandarin zest, Italian bergamot, fresh ozone, night-blooming jasmine, white freesia petals, sensual woods, crystallized amber, soft skin musk, and vetiver. This should help freshen up your tribbles.

Naturally, Eau My is available for preorder through Amazon, the site Takei often frequents to leave funny reviews of products ranging from yodeling pickles to the "Best of David Hasselhoff" CD.

Takei has also stepped to the forefront of LGBT rights as an openly gay celebrity speaking frequently on the issues important to the community.

Check out his new fragrance on Amazon - great gift this season for the Trekkie OR social media fan.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Marriage News Watch - November 25, 2013

Marriage equality is law in Illinois, but questions remain over when marriages can actually start.

Virginia voters could have a chance to overturn that state's marriage ban, and polling is surprisingly strong.

Lawsuits advance this week in Pennsylvania and Tennessee, and there's more bad news for the National Organization for Marriage.

As always, is a great destination for up-to-date marriage equality news.

Sarah Kate Ellis named new president for GLAAD

An experienced communications experts, Sarah Kate Ellis led national media brands to huge successes including Real Simple, Vogue, InStyle, New York, and House & Garden.

GLAAD's National Board of Directors is proud to announce that Sarah Kate Ellis has been elected as GLAAD's new CEO and president. As a respected media executive and outspoken advocate for LGBT equality, Sarah Kate is uniquely qualified to lead GLAAD, the nation's leading LGBT media advocacy organization.

Steve Warren, National Co-Chair of GLAAD's Board said: "GLAAD's unparalleled history in shifting American beliefs on LGBT families paved the way for our recent legal victories and will be instrumental in inspiring more and more Americans to stand with LGBT people and our families. We are excited to welcome Sarah Kate at a time when our community needs more of GLAAD's work in the media to share the stories that create real change."

Sarah Kate spoke to her vision for GLAAD's advocacy work: “While our community has made great strides in recent years, our movement has an important and critical journey ahead. Together with our dedicated staff, I will push for a culture where everyone in the LGBT community not only has legal equality, but is fully welcomed and respected by our neighbors. I look forward to leading GLAAD and creating a world where LGBT people and our families have the freedom to joyously-- and openly-- live a life they love."

Ellis also penned a memoir with wife Kristen Ellis-Henderson, titled “Times Two, Two Women in Love and the Happy Family They Made," released by Simon & Schuster.

(via press release)

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker - Banning marriage quality provides a "healthy balance"

Gov. Scott Walker says having a state-wide constitutional ban on marriage equality makes for a "healthy balance" in Wisconsin.

Said Walker: "In Wisconsin, we’ve had anti-discriminatory laws that are very similar to [ENDA] for more than 30 years and they work quite effectively. We’re also a state that has a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as one man and one woman… I mean, we’ve not had problems. We’ve had no problems — I should say, limited problems — with [anti-discrimination laws]. At the same time, we still have a constitutional amendment that defines marriage. There’s a healthy balance there.

Video: LGBTQ Connect in San Francisco

Award-winning filmmaker Marc Smolowitz directed & produced this 7 minute video for various nonprofit partners in San Francisco that collaborated on the 1st ever LGBTQ Connect - an event designed to help the City's LGBT Homeless population.

The event was held on Oct. 7th, 2013 at the SF LGBT Center.

You can find out how to volunteer in San Francisco at Project Homeless Connect.

Follow the organization at their Facebook page.

Hosted by The Mayor's Office of HOPE, Project Homeless Connect, and AIDS Housing Alliance, the day was sponsored by Metta Fund, Sass Social Justice Fund of Horizons Foundation, Dignity Fund, Haas, Jr. Foundation.

Large majority of Americans support immigration reform including path to citizenship

Here's a good reason for Republicans to work with the President and Dems on immigration reform: a big majority of the country - Democrats, Independents and Republicans - support the legislation:

A consistent and solid majority of Americans — 63 percent — crossing party and religious lines favors legislation to create a pathway to citizenship for immigrants living in the United States illegally, while only 14 percent support legal residency with no option for citizenship, according a report published Monday by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute.

Sixty percent of Republicans, 57 percent of independents and 73 percent of Democrats favor a pathway to citizenship, according to the report. Majorities of Protestants, Catholics and Americans with no religious affiliation also support that plan.

(via New York Times)

James Franco & Seth Rogen spoof Kanye West's terrible "Bound 2" video

Seth Rogen (in the "Kim K" role) and James Franco (as "Kanye West")

Shot for shot, James Franco and Seth Rogen parody the dreadful Kanye West and Kim Kardashian video "Bound 2."

I love that these busy guys find time to turn out stuff like this.

This version is much more fun to watch, but isn't the song just horrible? Eek....

Trailer: "Looking" from HBO

The first full trailer for HBO's new series "Looking" was released today.

The San Francisco-based show stars Jonathan Groff, Frankie Alvarez, and Murray Bartlett.

Premieres January 19th, 2014.

One Direction has a good weekend, wins Favorite Pop/Rock Album at AMAs

One Direction wins Favorite Pop/Rock Album
One Direction showed up at the American Music Awards to perform their newest single "The Story of My Life" and while there picked up a win for "Favorite Pop/Rock Album."

Ratings for the awards show saw it's biggest numbers since 2009.

Ben Cohen leaves "Strictly Come Dancing" with a champion's heart

I'm not happy to report that rugby champ and anti-bullying superstar Ben Cohen got bumped from BBC's "Strictly Come Dancing" last night after a 9 week run.

As he received the news on the live broadcast, Ben had this to say: "When would I get to dress like this every day, wear all the lycra and maybe not a top!  Now I can dance at my kid's parties. Kristina has been great, I've thrown her into walls, dropped her a few times and she has been great - thanks ever so much for putting up with me!"

Like a great champion, Ben took the loss with further grace posting this on his Facebook page:

Thank you all so much for the support during my time on Strictly Come Dancing. I had a blast and met some great people. A big Thank You to Kristina Rihanoff for teaching me to dance. You have a patient of a Saint and made my Journey fun and exciting. Thanks Ben

With typical good nature, Ben's hard work showed throughout the competition, but always accompanied with a smile and light-hearted fun.

Whether on the dance floor, the rugby field or fighting bullying, Ben continues to inspire.

And speaking of inspiration, let's take one more look at one of the highlights of Ben's run on "Strictly Come Dancing" - his shirtless and passionate Paso Doble.

5th grade "band of brothers" stand up for first grader with speech impediment

Here's your "feel good story" of the day:

Danny Keefe is a Bridgewater, MA first-grader with speech issues who serves as the water boy for the school's 5th grade football team. Danny likes to dress in a coat and tie often. That and his speech issues have led to him getting bullied a lot.

That is, until a "band of brothers" made up of 45 of his classmates came to his defense. Watch the story below:

(h/t Towleroad)

Macklemore & Lewis denounce racial profiling during acceptance of American Music Award

Last night, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis accepted their American Music Award for Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Album via satellite feed and the mood took a serious tone, as the duo addressed the topics of racial profiling and specifically Trayvon Martin:

"Thank you to the AMAs. It has been an absolutely incredible year," Macklemore began. "I feel extremely blessed to be accepting an award at the AMAs. And now that I'm sitting here in front of millions of people, I'd like to address something extremely important to me.

"I was talking to my friend before the show, and he reminded me of a great Martin Luther King quote: 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.' And due to the fact that we are in Florida tonight accepting this award, I want to acknowledge Trayvon Martin and the hundreds and hundreds of kids that are dying each year due to racial profiling and the violence that follows it.

"This is really happening — our friends, our neighbors, our peers, our fans — and it's time that we look out for the youth and fight against racism and the laws that protect it."

Iran agrees to halt nuclear program

After much negotiation, the United States, France, Germany, China, Russia, Great Britain, and the European Union have come to an agreement with Iran to freeze its nuclear program.

From New York Times:

The United States and five other world powers announced a landmark accord Sunday morning that would temporarily freeze Iran’s nuclear program and lay the foundation for a more sweeping agreement. It was the first time in nearly a decade of talks, American officials said, that an international agreement had been reached to halt much of Iran’s nuclear program and roll some elements of it back.

According to the agreement, Iran would agree to stop enriching uranium beyond 5 percent. To make good on that pledge, Iran would dismantle links between networks of centrifuges. All of Iran’s stockpile of uranium that has been enriched to 20 percent, a short hop to weapons-grade fuel, would be diluted or converted into oxide so that it could not be readily used for military purposes. No new centrifuges, neither old models nor newer more efficient ones, could be installed.

Centrifuges that have been installed but which are not currently operating could not be started up. The agreement, however, would not require Iran to stop enriching uranium to a level of 3.5 percent or dismantle any of its existing centrifuges. The accord was a disappointment for Israel, which urged the United States to pursue a stronger agreement that would lead to a complete end to Iran’s enrichment program. But Iran made it clear that continuing enrichment was a prerequisite for any agreement.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been tweeting up a storm about his displeasure over the agreement.

However, global oil prices dropped in early trading Monday, as markets gave a cautious welcome to the weekend’s nuclear deal.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Sunday morning brunchy, crunchy goodness...

Trailer: "Philomena" starring Judi Dench

Judi Dench stars in the title role of Philomena Lee, a woman determined to recover a son she was forced to give up for adoption in the 1950s, when she bore the child out of wedlock within a conservative Irish Catholic community.

With the assistance of a reporter from the BBC (Steve Coogan), Philomena embarks on her quest for reunion and redemption with a grown son, who, as she discovers, is a gay politician.

Based on a true story, the film has garnered acclaim from critics, who hail Dench’s performance as well as the screenplay, written by Coogan, which moves the audience to both laughter and tears.

Philomena premieres this weekend in New York and Los Angeles. Watch the trailer below.

(via Advocate)

LIttle dog entertains himself with a ball and a creek

Shot in Kobe, Japan, watch as this little guy entertains himself by chasing his ball down a creek, running it back up a bit, and chasing again over and over.

Dogs rule.

Wounded Marine Alex Minsky inspires as fitness model

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I've written about the handsome and inspiring US Marine turned inspiring fitness model Alex Minsky on The Randy Report before.

Now, Southern California’s KTLA news has caught up with a profile of the photogenic 25-year-old Marine who lost his right leg while stationed in Afghanistan.

The military veteran returned to the U.S. after the accident (which left him in a coma for 58 days), and after coping with the rigors of recovery which included a turn to alcohol began a rigid workout regimen to regain his physical and mental health.

Fate intervened when a photographer noticed the tattoo-covered Minsky leaving the gym, and an unlikely modeling career was born.

Check out the video profile