Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Paraguay: Presidential candidate would rather shoot himself in the nuts than have a gay son

The nation of Paraguay is holding presidential elections on Sunday and its frontrunner, Horacio Cartes, was asked to react to Uruguay's recent passage of marriage equality.

From the NY Times:
In a radio interview this month, Mr. Cartes, 57, theatrically threatened to inflict harm on his own private parts if his 28-year-old son were to seek to marry another man.

“I would shoot myself in the testicles, because I do not agree,” he said, using slightly more colorful language to describe how he would react to such a possibility.
Cartes also "set off a fierce controversy...after publicly comparing gay people to 'monkeys' and likening the support of same-sex marriage to believing in 'the end of the world.'"

Cartes' opponent is also opposed to same-sex marriage, but, the paper reports, has adopted a "more nuanced stance."

(via Towleroad)

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